I lost my husband unexpectedly in 2018. One day I was a happily married Texan loving my jobs in non-profit and theater; the next I was a young (ish) widow alone in a new house that was full of unpacked moving boxes. “Sadness” and “spiraling” were just two of the words that described me during that time.
Hi, I am Veronica Day. I began my journey navigating all that comes with grief and loss. It was filled with tears, frustration, confusion, laughter and the occasional cocktail. Along the way I realized that I wanted to help others who were experiencing loss and help those who support them. Sometimes another frozen lasagna was just not going to cut it.
I learned that I was able to blend my new world with my previous one. I emerged stronger, wiser and even found a new love. I am thankful for all the friends and family that jumped in and joined me on this journey.