S2 E2: Infertility and pregnancy loss

I have known many people who have experienced infertility and miscarriages. Myself included. The grief that they, we, feel is very real. In this episode we are fortunate to have Sarah join us to share her story, her journey. Sarah is someone who has struggled with infertility and pregnancy loss. She recognizes that even though she has her rainbow baby, that does not make her children from previous pregnancies less important.

When someone is trying conceive they often run into a whole new world of acronyms. Here is a brief list of ones I often heard:

2WW:  Two week wait

AF:  Aunt Flo, After Flo, Period, or Menstrual Cycle

ART:  Assisted reproductive technology (e.g., in vitro fertilization)

BBT:  Basal Body Temperature

BCP:  Birth Control Pills

BFN:  Big Fat Negative

BFP:  Big Fat Positive

CD:  Cycle Day

DE:  Donor Eggs

DOR:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve

DPO:  Days Post-Ovulation

DPR:  Days Post-Retrieval

DPT:  Days Post-Transfer

ENDO:  Endometriosis

EPT:  Early Pregnancy Test

ER:  Egg Retrieval

ET:  Embryo Transfer

FF:  Fertility Friend

FHR:  Fetal Heart Rate

Frostie:  Frozen Embryo

FSH:  Follicle-Stimulating Hormone

FTTA:  Fertile Thoughts to All

HcG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hormone detected by pregnancy tests)

HPT:  Home Pregnancy Test

ICSI:  Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

IF:  Infertility

IVF:  In Vitro Fertilization

LMP:  Last Menstrual Period (start date)

LSP:  Low Sperm Count

MAI:  Miscarriage After Infertility

MC, m/c, misc.:  Miscarriage

O, OV:  Ovulation

OC:  Oral Contraceptives

OPK/OPT:  Ovulation Predictor Kit, Ovulation Predictor Test

OTC:  Over the Counter

PG:  Pregnant

POAS:  Pee on a Stick

PUPO: Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise

RPL:  Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

TL/TR:  Tubal Ligation, Tubal Reversal

TTC:  Trying To Conceive

TWW: Two week wait

US:  Ultrasound


S2: E3 Dia De Los Muertos


S2 E1: Dating after Loss